Nature, Climate Change and the Culture of the Social Sciences | |
Reiner Grundmann, Markus Rhomberg, Nico Stehr |
Climate Policy between Control Mechanisms and Self-Organisation: Futureable Organisational Forms beyond the Nation State? | |
Karolin Pichler |
’If they are hungry, feed them kangaroos’ – the dilemmas facing Australia as a fossil-dependent culture in a post-fossil future | |
Lars Jensen |
Sustainability means ethics and this is a cultural revolution | |
Michel Puech |
Integrating the demarcated territories - Islands as innovative places of sustainability? | |
Jørgen Rasmussen |
The matter of climate change: what it is and how to be concerned with it | |
Gert Goeminne |
The status of future generations in discussions and decisions regarding climate change | |
Erik Persson |
The Effectiveness and Sustainability of CDM Implementation in Thailand (During 2002-2009) | |
Bonnie Phorntippha Kerr |
Values and Nature | |
Erik Bendtsen |
Coping with Climate Change: Geographies, Politics and the need for Socio-cultural Change; the case of multi-sited living | |
Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt |
Multifrenic climate discourses | |
Tove Arendt Rasmussen |
Territorial identity and symbolic landscapes | |
Ole Erik Hansen |
Climate Change Adaptation in Central Vietnam | |
Ole Bruun, Thorkil Casse |
Innovating for Sustainable Cultures and Clean Tech by Communication in Tourism | |
Jesper Holm, Soren Sorensen, Eva Diekmann, Line Maria Bram Pedersen, Inger Hoejbjerg |
Mikkel Fugl Eskjær |
Indigenous language and environment communication: Dynamics of local media for sustainability campaign | |
Olusola Samuel Oyero |
Your Light Switch Is Your Vote”: Mediating Discourse and Participation in the ‘Vote Earth’ Campaign to Foster Awareness of Anthropogenic Climate Change | |
Paul McIlvenny |
Exploring Communication Strategies for Enhancing Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Lake Victoria Basin in Uganda | |
Goretti Linda Nassanga |
Climate activism and the mass media – the possibility for a political challenging debate | |
Anders Danielsen Danielsen |
Collaborative Change: a Communication Framework for Natural Resource Management and Climate Change Adaptation | |
Mario Acunzo |
Deliberating climate change - the creation of a global voice for citizens? | |
Erling Jelsøe, Annika Agger, Birgit Jæger, Louise Philips |
Communication on natural gas, biomass and forests as a problem for energy management | |
Rolf Czeskleba-Dupont |
Symmetrical approaches to (often implicit) knowledge asymmetries in public communication of science and technology: learning from the case of climate change | |
Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen |
The communication of climate change in the Belgian french press | |
Antigoni Vokou |
Climate change communication in Bangladesh: an analysis of national strategy and action plan for climate change adaptation and its integration with media communication | |
Shameem Mahmud, Irene Nerverla, Corinna Luethje |
Negotiating and communicating climate | |
Pernille Almlund |
Clean Technology
Barriers and possibilities for low-carbon-energy consuming technologies - The case of the lighting sector | |
Araceli Bjarklev |
Global governance and the development of cleaner technologies and energy systems | |
Rikke Lybæk, Ole Erik Hansen |
Re-embedding scientific development in the realities of local communities Reflexive experiments in upstream engagement towards sustainability | |
Jonas Egmose Mortensen |
niels schrøder, Ole Jess Olsen, Paul Thorn |
: Local transition strategies for climate construction and housing – studies of innovative Danish municipalities | |
Jesper Holm, Inger Stauning, Bent Soendergaard |
Land use, Climate Change and Biodiversity | |
Erik Persson |
Using Corporate Social Responsibility strategy with a climate focus for enterprise resource planning systems | |
Sine Zambach, Zenia Worm Francker, Philip Holst |
Clean technology and the insurance sector | |
Lára Jóhannsdóttir, Michael E. Goodsite |
E-mobility – from ashes to the fire? | |
Anders Chr. Hansen |
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