
The Sunrise Conference has an attractive arrangement with the following hotels in both Copenhagen and Roskilde. For participants staying in Copenhagen, please be aware that RUC is easily accessible by train. Travel time from Copenhagen Central Station to the University's station (Trekroner) takes around 25 minutes.


Please note the conference fee does not cover accomodation and reservations must be made directly with the hotel.


Comwell Roskilde
Vestre Kirkevej 12, Himmelev
DK-4000 Roskilde
Phone (+45) 4632 3131


Room rate per night 956DKK
Please indicate on the reservation that you are attending the Roskilde Sunrise Conference. Ref. SUNRISE


Copenhagen Strand
Havnegade 37

DK-1058 Copenhagen K

Phone (+45) 3348 9900

copenhagenstrand@(if you can see this please update your browser)



Room rate per night 850DKK

Please indicate on the reservation that you are attending the Roskilde Sunrise Conference.