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Wagenaar, Henk, University of Sheffield
Wagenaar, Henk
Wagner, Lauren
Wang, Yingjun
Weilemann, Alexandra, University of Gothenburg
Wesche, Julius P., Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovations Research ISI
Westgren, Randall, University of Missouri
Westgren, Randall, University of Missouri
Wickham, James
Wilde, Mathias, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main Department of Human Geography, Working group mobility research
Wind, Simon, Department of Architecture & Media Technology Aalborg University
Wind, Simon, PhD Fellow, Department of Architecture & Media Technology, Aalborg University
Wind, Simon, Department of Architecture & Media Technology, Aalborg University
Wittowsky, Dirk, ILS – Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development gGmbH
Woiceshyn, Jaana, University of Calgary
Worm Francker, Zenia, RUC
Woube, Annie, PhD candidate in ethnology, Dept. of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology Uppsala University
Wright, Steve
Wulf-Andersen, Trine, Roskilde University

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