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Bach, Anna Sofie, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen
Baird, Theodore, RUC-ISG and DIIS
Balau, Georgiana, University of Groningen
Balder, Corine
Balder, Corine, University of applied sciences Leiden
Bale, Kjersti
Balkmar, Dag, Postdoctoral researcher, Centre for Feminist Social Studies, School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, Örebro University
Bang, Helene, Student
Bartana, Ilil
Becerra, Tabita Moreno, Universidad de Concepción
Bendtsen, Erik
Bengtsson, Tea Torbenfeldt, Sociologisk Institut, KU
Benício de Mello, Sérgio Carvalho, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Bennet, Bruce, Lancaster University
Bennetsen, Nina Moesby, Roskilde University
Bernard, M, Goethe University Frankfurt
Berze, Ottilia, University of Victoria
Betancourt, Nathan, University of Amsterdam
Bialski, Paula
Bianchi, Massimo, University of Bologna
Bilfeldt, Annette, Aalborg Universitet
Bille, Thomas
Billinger, Stephan, University of Southern Denmark
Bjarklev, Araceli, Roskilde University
Bjørner, Thomas, Aalborg University, CPH
Blettner, Daniela P, Beedie School of Business - Simon Fraser University
Bloch, Paul, Steno Health Promotion Center
Bock, Benno, Innovationszentrum für Mobilität und gesellschaftlichen Wandel (InnoZ)
Boe-Lillegraven, Siri, Aarhus university
Boje, Thomas P.
Bolinger, Alex, Idaho State University
Boskamp, Ulrike, Free University Berlin
Boulat, Picard, Rey, Régis, IRTES-RECITS
Boysen, Mikkel Snorre
Bradshaw, Robert, Doctoral Student, Programmable City Project, National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis (NIRSA), NUI Maynooth (NUIM)
Bradtberg, Nils Eigil, Kandidatgrad Københavns Universitet
Bram Pedersen, Line Maria, Co-Director
Brembeck, Helene
Brown, Jill, Bentley University
Bruselius-jensen, Maria louisa, Steno diabetes center
Brusoni, Stefano
Bruun, Ole, ISG, RUC
Buuren, Arwin van, Associate Professor Erasmus University Rotterdam
Buuren, Arwin van, Associate Professor Public Administration Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Büscher, Monica, Mobilities.Lab, Lancaster University
Büscher, Monika, Mobilities.Lab, Lancaster University
Büscher, Monika, Lancaster University
Bærenholdt, Jørgen Ole, MOSPUS, ENSPAC, RUC
Bærenholdt, Jørgen Ole, Head of the Department of Environmental, Social and Spatial Change (ENSPAC), Roskilde University, Professor of Human Geography, Belonging to the MOSPUS research group
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