Registration for RUC Karrieremesse 2014

February 20, 2014



Final programme


You can download the final version of the programme here.

The latest change is the NorLit General Meeting which will be held Friday, 17.00-17.30. The Friday dinner is postponed to 18.00.


Posted: 2011-08-03 More...



For more information about the practicalites concerning the conference, i.e. how to get there etc. please see here

If you need to get in contact with us during the conference, you can call this phone number: +45 26 12 60 71

Service Info: it will also be possible to register for the bus shuttle while at the conference.

Posted: 2011-08-03 More...

Preparing for the conference

The NorLit 2011 conference committee would like to ask all presenters to prepare a 10 minutes presentation of their papers for the conference.

It is then the intention that conference participants will have read the papers beforehand so that presentations of papers are minimized in favour of more elaborate discussions.

It will be up to the individual chairs to structure the panel session in the manner they prefer.

We hope that this open structure will provide the conference participants with diverse, interesting and inspiring sessions.
Posted: 2011-08-02 More...

How to view the papers


In order to view the full papers you need to be logged in to the system.

When you see to your left that it is written: 'You are logged in as...' and then your username you are logged in.

Then press 'home' in the menu bar above. You will then be redirected to the main site and can press 'presentations' in the green menu bar to the left.

You should now have access to the papers either as download or as viewable pdf's directly in your browser. Press 'Paper Norlit 2011' to the right of the paper you wish to read.

If this does not work, please contact:

Please note: Some users have experienced problems with Internet Explorer, and you may want to try another browser if this is the case.

Posted: 2011-08-01 More...



The minibus shuttle registration is now available.

Please use this link MINIBUS

You wil need to register your email first and then use the link in the email sent to you afterwards to register for the minibus shuttle.

PLEASE NOTE: you can only choose one of the possible departures for each time slot. By default no transport is chosen in the schedule!

We will try our best to accomodate your wishes, however, the registration will be on a first come first served basis and changes may occur. We will of course notify you if we cannot provide you with the precise hours specified.

Please register before August 2, 2011

Posted: 2011-07-10 More...
More Announcements...


NorLit 2011 is sponsored by The Danish Council for Independent Research, Humanities (FKK) and The Danish Association of Masters and PhDs (DM).

NorLit 2011 is also sponsored by Clara Lachmanns Fond and Roskilde University.