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Skriveworkshop for ph.d.-stipendiater

  • Tilmelding til Skriveworkshop for ph.d.-stipendiater

    May 27, 2015 – June 16, 2015

Familieliv og barndom i en radikaliseret modernitet - mod hverdagslivets socialpsykologi anno 2015

  • Familieliv og barndom i en radikaliseret modernitet - mod hverdagslivets socialpsykologi anno 2015

    June 2, 2015 – June 2, 2015

Diversity Management in Academic Teaching of Intercultural Psychology in Denmark /Europe

  • Diversity Management in Academic Teaching of Intercultural Psychology in Denmark /Europe

    April 10, 2015 – April 10, 2015

Environmental Risk – Assessing and Managing Multiple Risks in a Changing World

The purpose of the conference is to evaluate and discuss the development of cross-cutting methods to assess and manage different types of risks, both natural hazards and anthropogenic and the societal issues associated with those risks.

The conference consists of a 2½ day program of platform and poster presentations and encourages active participation through break-out sessions and scientific discussions among invited speakers and participants.

  • Environmental Risk – Assessing and Managing Multiple Risks in a Changing World

    November 16, 2015 – November 17, 2015

    Technological developments over the past century have improved the quality of life for many. However, in combination with exponential population growth, human developments have negatively impacted many of the world’s ecosystems through over-exploitation of natural resources, pollution, and changes to the climate system.

    The conference consists of a two day program with platform and poster presentations and encourages active participation through break-out sessions and scientific discussions among invited speakers and participants.

    The purpose of the conference is to evaluate and discuss the development of cross-cutting methods to assess and manage different types of risks, both natural hazards and anthropogenic and the societal issues associated with those risks.

    Overall the conference will cover both Risk Assessment and Risk Management. The conference will cover the following main topics:

    • Geospheric Hazards (e.g., volcanic eruptions; earth quakes)
    • Environmental Change (e.g., hydrological extremes; changing water cycles)
    • Anthropogenic Hazards (e.g., from industry and agriculture)
    • Societal Issues (e.g., risk perception; communication)

Tilmelding til Nytårskur på Sundhedsfremme - Ulighed i Sundhed

  • Tilmelding til Nytårskur på Sundhedsfremme - Ulighed i Sundhed

    January 30, 2015 – January 30, 2015

Kontingent for Netværk for Design af Robust Organisationsforandring 2. år

  • Betaling af kontingent for Netværk for Design af Robust Organisationsforandring

    September 25, 2014 – September 1, 2015

    Betaling af kontingent



  • Tilmelding til møde 5 (Robust forandring – hvilken rolle spiller modstand?)

    November 7, 2014 – November 7, 2014

    Tilmelding til møde 5


    OBS: Du vil modtage en kvittering for din tilmelding inden for en uge.

  • Tilmelding til møde 6 (Kan vi Nudge os til robuste forandringsprocesser?)

    January 16, 2015 – January 16, 2015

    Tilmelding til møde 6


    OBS: Du vil modtage en kvittering for din tilmelding inden for en uge.


  • Tilmelding til møde 7 (At skabe robusthed i kaos og kompleksitet – forandringsagenten og – lederens rolle)

    May 8, 2015 – May 9, 2015

    Tilmelding til møde 7


    OBS: Du vil modtage en kvittering for din tilmelding inden for en uge.

PAES tværgående fagudviklingsseminar 2014

  • Tilmelding til PAES tværgående fagudviklingsseminar 2014

    September 19, 2014 – September 19, 2014

Innovative Services in the 21st Century

Services develop to introduce new or improved service pro-ducts, increase productivity and improve quality for custo-mers and the public's well-being. The importance of knowled-ge intensive services for growth and economic development is widely recognised. Also manual services continue to consti-tute an important aspect of modern economies, for example in the case of tourism, facility services or services in public welfare systems. Different knowledge intensive and manual services, as well as their innovativeness and economic contri-bution, are therefore crucial for solving society’s social and economic problems and for overcoming its present challen-ges. The conference will focus on innovation and develop-ment in different service sectors, the relation between inno-vation and development, and economic and societal impact in relation to present public and market economic challenges. Thus, the conference aims to build new understandings of the role of service development in the private and public sectors and society as a whole.


The RESER2015 conference will be held in Copenhagen on September 10-12, 2015.  The Doctoral Colloqium will be held prior, i.e. on September 8-9, 2015 at Roskilde University.


Roskilde University looks forward to seeing you at the annual RESER conference.

  • RESER2015 - Innovative Services in the 21st Century

    September 10, 2015 – September 12, 2015

    Service development and innovation for prosperity and human well-being in the 21st century

    The importance of knowledge intensive services for growth, economic development as well as human well-being is widely recognised. Also manual services continue to constitute an important aspect of modern societies, for example in the case of many public welfare systems services, tourism and certain facilities management services. Both manual and knowledge intensive services continuously develop and innovate to introduce new or improved service products, increase productivity and improve quality for customers as well as the public's well-being. Development and innovativeness of knowledge intensive and manual services are crucial for meeting society's present problems of employment, sustainability, work integration, ageing and climate change as well as wider economic challenges. The RESER2015 conference will therefore focus on development and innovation in the different service sectors and their impact on prosperity and human well-being considering the present public and market economic challenges.


    This conference is a forum for the presentation and discussion of innovative studies on services to ensure the active development of service research. Scholars and practitioners of management, marketing, engineering, economics, sociology, geography, or any other discipline are invited to submit papers that explore and develop a multidisciplinary understanding of various service issues. Papers can be based on literature reviews, conceptual and empirical studies using qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods.


    Main dates and deadlines

    February 2015

    Call for Papers and preliminary programme

    Maj 11, 2015

    Submission of abstracts

    June 8, 2015

    Notification of acceptance to authors

    June 30, 2015

    Last day for early registration

    August 10, 2015

    Submission of final papers

    September 8-9, 2015

    Doctoral colloquium at Roskilde University, Roskilde

    September 10-12, 2015

    Reser2015 conference at Eigtved Pakhus, Copenhagen




Frontiers in Managerial and Organizational Cognition Conference

This conference is dedicated to furthering research at the frontiers of managerial and organizational cognition. The concept is simple and compelling: a casual, low-key, yet energizing, research-focused, developmentally oriented meeting of managerial and organizational cognition scholars to advance our collective scholarship and build a stronger worldwide community of MOC scholars. The host this year is Roskilde University, outside Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • Frontiers in Managerial and Organizational Cognition Conference

    June 25, 2015 – June 27, 2015

    This conference is dedicated to furthering research at the frontiers of managerial and organizational cognition. The concept is simple and compelling: a casual, low-key, yet energizing, research-focused, developmentally oriented meeting of managerial and organizational cognition scholars to advance our collective scholarship and build a stronger worldwide community of MOC scholars. The host this year is Roskilde University, outside Copenhagen, Denmark.

NORA Conference - Voices in Nordic Gender Research

  • Registration for NORA Conference - Voices in Nordic Gender Research

    November 5, 2014 – November 7, 2014

Networked Urban Mobilities

10th Anniversary Conference 2014 in the Cosmobilities Network. The International Network invites scholars to discuss their work on the social, economic and ecological risks and opportunities of these emerging developments. Papers contributing the following themes in relation to Networked Urban Mobilities are invited: Technologies, Practices, Companies, Governance and Planning, Ethics/responsibilities, Arts.