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Foreman, Peter, Illinois State University
Fortin, Israel, HEC Montreal


Garbuio, Massimo, The University of Sydney Business School
Gianiodis, Peter, Clemson University
Gibb, Jenny, Waikato University
Gibb, Jenny, Waikato University (New Zealand)
Giovacchini, Elia, Stockholm University - Stockholm Business School
Gong, Onion H, National University of Singapore


Hansen, Morten Juel, BI Norwegian Business School
He, Yiqing
Hofherr, Peter, University of Missouri
Hærem, Thorvald, BI Norwegian Business School
Hærem, Thorvald


Jackson, Chris, University of New South Wales Business School, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia


Kim, Sunny, IESEG School of Management
Kost, Dominique, BI Norwegian Business School
Kovacs, Balazs, University of Lugano
Kraichy, David, University of Saskatchewan


Lakshman, C, Tongji University School of Economics & Management
Leatherbee, Michael, Pontificia U. Catolica de Chile
Levine, S S, U. of Texas at Dallas & Columbia U.
Lovallo, Dan, The University of Sydney Business School
Lucas, Gerardus JM, Beedie School of Business - Simon Fraser University


Marafuschi Phillips, Miguel Angel, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Marcy, Richard Thomas, University of Victoria

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