Open Conference Systems, Learning Cultures, Cultures of learning

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Factors affecting Motivation: Role of Ethnic Groups Culture and Identity for their Motivation to Learn English as an Additional Language
Taha Hammad Ameen Khudhir Agha

Last modified: 2011-08-04




This research studies the various factors affecting motivation to learn a second/foreign language seen from the perspective of psychological and sociocultural theories, based on a comparison between students with Kurdish and Arabic background.

It is very common for individuals in the world today to speak more than one language. Tucker (1981) claims that “there are many more bilinguals in the world than monolinguals, and that there are more students who by choice or necessity attend schools where the medium of instruction is their second or later acquired language rather than their mother tongues”.. However, second languages are acquired under very different circumstances and by learners with very different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. It is the starting point of this research that learners´ previous experience with learning and their cultural and linguistic background influence their motivation to learn a new language. In order to study the role of motivation I shall compare university students with Kurdish and Arabic Iraqi background, who are learning English as an additional language in order to carry out their university studies. This paper will present a review of the relevant literature regarding the effects of motivation on students learning a second language. General theories of motivation, educational motivation and second language learning motivation will be addressed. Motivation factors unique to the unique population of students born in Iraq studying in Denmark will then be described. Finally recommendations for influencing these variables will be provided. By the end of the review, arguments will be made for the significance of research to be done in order to answer the following questions;

- What are the factors influencing adult Arab and Kurdish students' motivation to study and learn English in Denmark?

- What environmental factors affect these students' motivation levels and orientation?

- What socio-cultural variables influence their motivation, and how do these differ between Arab and Kurdish students?

Through the identification of the above variables, it is expected to be much easier to influence these factors through the design of classroom environments, selection of materials, and application of teaching methods. Only after we have accurately described the tendencies and preference of our students can we proceed to take on the crucial task of creating a learning atmosphere which provides the best motivation for learners to succeed in their goals of learning English.



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