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Cahour, Beatrice, Department of Social Science, Telecom ParisTech
Calvignac, Cédric
Canu, Roland
Carmo, Renato, CIES-IUL, Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia, ISCTE- Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Carroll, John S., MIT Sloan School of Management
Carstensen, Helle Vibeke, The Danish Ministry of Taxation
Cass, Noel, Department of Organisation, Work and Technology Lancaster University Management School Lancaster University
Casse, Thorkil, RUC
Caviglia, Francesco, Aarhus Universitet
Cecchini, Leonardo, Aarhus Universitet
Cermak, Daniel, The Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Champsaur, Florence Branchet
Chatzopoulou, Sevasti, RUC/ISG
Chávez, Daniel Jiménez, Universidad de Concepción
CHEN, Qi, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
Chen, Xiao, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing
Chimirri, Niklas Alexander
Christensen, Ann-Dorte
Christensen, Astrid Marie


christensen, hilda rømer, department of sociology, university of Copenhagen


Christensen, Julia, Environmental, Social and Spatial Change, Roskilde University
Christensen, Mathilde Dissing, ENSPAC, Roskilde University
Christiansen, Hjalmar, DTU Transport
Cidell, Julie
Cochoy, Franck

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NorLit 2011 is sponsored by The Danish Council for Independent Research, Humanities (FKK) and The Danish Association of Masters and PhDs (DM).

NorLit 2011 is also sponsored by Clara Lachmanns Fond and Roskilde University.