Open Conference Systems, Nordic Geographers Meeting 2011

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From Children’s Maps to Walk-Maps in GIS: Exploring the potential of a method for participatory mapping
Ulla Berglund

Last modified: 2011-03-01


The Children’s Maps in GIS is developed and tested through a series of studies into a web based method for supporting young people’s influence on urban planning, management and design. The same technique is now being tested in order to catch qualitative information on walking and walkability in urban environments. In a pilot study small groups of users mapped there walking routes – for everyday utilities as well as for leisure use. So far two groups of teenagers, two of pensioners, one of wage earning adults and one of mothers on parental leave have tested the GIS application In three Swedish towns.  The maps with the walking routes and attaching comments are used along with focus group interviews with the same or sometimes extended groups, concerning the walkability of the respective urban environment.  Typical patterns and experiences of walking and views of its conditions are synthesized and to some degree interpreted. One aim of this study is to catch data as indicators for the construction of a mailed questionnaire concerning walking habits and the advantages and shortcomings of the environment for walking in several small and medium sized towns. Also, the visualization on the map combined with freely formulated comments from the walkers and possibly also photos of some places are supposed to give a vivid illustration that can help the understanding of the conditions for people’s walking, an understanding that cannot be reached with only statistics and figures. The research project aims at adding to the knowledge on walking as an important mean for transportation - for utility reasons as well as for exercise and recreation - in the sustainable urban environment and also to produce a learning material for practitioners.