Open Conference Systems, Nordic Geographers Meeting 2011

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Sustainable Tourism Management in Reutilized Agricultural Buildings. A Case Study.
Gyorgy Angelkott Bocz, Andrés Martínez Rodríguez, Barry Ness

Last modified: 2011-04-15


The aim of this -questionnaire and interview based- research project was to identify those key values and attitudes of -traditional agricultural building based- rural tourism enterprise owners that affect the sustainable reutilization of rural structures in Sweden, especially in connection to sustainable business management and building use.


Although having similar business and constructional profiles the three examined case study objects were situated in characteristically very different locations Two were located in southern Sweden, of which, one situated on the urban fringe of the Örestad megalopolis axel, while another one in a typical periurban countryside. The third studied enterprise was situated in the deep forests, in the middle of Sweden, in the far rural hinterland.


Findings show that the owners of the three enterprises have similar way of thinking in question of values, attitudes, concerning the nature of a sustainable tourism business and about the sustainable reutilization of traditional constructions for tourism. From general business- and management point of view all business owners considered holistic thinking, management style, quality of service and personal relations to be cornerstones of a sustainable operation. In relation to the reutilization of constructions the acknowledgement of a care-taker function in connection to historical-cultural heritage were found as key factors.


Approaches to creating and running a sustainable rural tourism business were found to be radically different, dependent on the personality and background of the owner and the characteristics of the environment the business was situated in.