Open Conference Systems, Nordic Geographers Meeting 2011

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Imagined and real women entrepreneurs in the EU structural funds
Mona Hedfeldt

Last modified: 2011-02-11


This paper is based on an ongoing study of the EU structural funds partnerships and women’s entrepreneurship in Sweden where perspectives from economic geography and political science are combined. The paper specifically deals with how entrepreneurs are written about in the structural fund programs and how entrepreneurs are incorporated in projects co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.  Many strategic efforts are made concerning women’s entrepreneurship in general, and entrepreneurship is sometimes used by women to change their lives and can bring about changes in places (see e.g. Hanson 2009). In the structural fund programs, entrepreneurship and regional development is put forth as strongly connected, and focus is in particular directed towards business start-ups. Gender mainstreaming (one of the horizontal objectives) seems to be dealt with in a relatively unproblematic way:  women as potential entrepreneurs are made visible in the programs, and projects are designed to encourage and support women in business start-up. However, on project level we seldom find entrepreneurs integrated in for example steering groups and reference groups. Imagined women entrepreneurs (potential entrepreneurs) are visible in the structural funds, real women entrepreneurs (existing entrepreneurs) are not so often found. The women entrepreneurs we do find in projects have often been recruited strategically thru networking and in general have positive experiences from their involvement. How the interests among women entrepreneurs are acknowledged in the structural funds, and thus the role of real existing entrepreneurs in regional development, is investigated empirically. Theoretically, we use for example Anna Jónasdóttir’s (1991) interest theory  where she discusses interest as being among (from the latin “inter esse”, meaning “to be”, esse, “among” or “between”, inter).