Open Conference Systems, Nordic Geographers Meeting 2011

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Triangulating data about/around localized experience: bricolage with geobiographies and softGIS
Kaisa Schmidt-Thomé

Last modified: 2011-02-14


As I wish to relate the past spatio-temporal routes of the chosen individuals with their current everyday life (in particular outdoor practices and ways of getting-around), I have no ready-made toolbox for the task. Some bricolage is proposed instead. My theoretical frame draws from the pragmatist veins within geography as well as from ecological psychology that all stress the role of action in perception. To centre this active individual and the transactional relations he/she has with the material but language-dotted and intersubjective world, I propose a compilation of methods ranging from in-depth interviews to softGIS-data. A bridge in-between could be built of walking interviews and/or individual responses to the softGIS-questionnaire. The paper presents some experiments of this kind that try to elicit the “placial” of the localized experience, to isolate a series of explanatory paths that could later be tested with broader data sets provided that good questions can be formulated in the first place.