Open Conference Systems, Nordic Geographers Meeting 2011

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Some challenges for geography education - examples from the Swedish teacher education arena
Gabriel Bladh, Hans-Olof Gottfridsson

Last modified: 2011-02-01


Field research done in Swedish schools has shown that selective traditions of the subject dominate in Swedish school geography, especially in primary and secondary school. A strong school subject discourse based on a traditional subject content with roots already in the early 20th century, is understood as The way of doing school geography in schools. The debate initiated in the context of the development of a new national curriculum in geography in Sweden last autumn illustrates the case well. On the other hand, the gap between school geography vis-Ă -vis geographic perspectives treated in current academic research as well as perspectives related to students' everyday contexts have increasingly expanded in a changing world.

In this presentation we will use some examples from ongoing curriculum development in the new teacher education programme at our university in order to discuss some challenges for geography didactics. Among these challenges, we will focus in particular at the themes of regional geography respectively issues of sustainable development. How can perspectives from new geographical research and changing geographical perspectives in students’ everyday life be used in curriculum development? Through examples on ICT-based geography instruction respectively problem-oriented perspectives in geography, we will discuss how such perspectives may help broaden the choices for teaching school geography.

In the conclusion we will, based on our example, highlight some themes for future research regarding geography education.