RESER2015 - Innovative Services in the 21st Century

Eigtveds Pakhus, Copenhagen (details below)

September 10, 2015 – September 12, 2015

Service development and innovation for prosperity and human well-being in the 21st century

The importance of knowledge intensive services for growth, economic development as well as human well-being is widely recognised. Also manual services continue to constitute an important aspect of modern societies, for example in the case of many public welfare systems services, tourism and certain facilities management services. Both manual and knowledge intensive services continuously develop and innovate to introduce new or improved service products, increase productivity and improve quality for customers as well as the public's well-being. Development and innovativeness of knowledge intensive and manual services are crucial for meeting society's present problems of employment, sustainability, work integration, ageing and climate change as well as wider economic challenges. The RESER2015 conference will therefore focus on development and innovation in the different service sectors and their impact on prosperity and human well-being considering the present public and market economic challenges.


This conference is a forum for the presentation and discussion of innovative studies on services to ensure the active development of service research. Scholars and practitioners of management, marketing, engineering, economics, sociology, geography, or any other discipline are invited to submit papers that explore and develop a multidisciplinary understanding of various service issues. Papers can be based on literature reviews, conceptual and empirical studies using qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods.


Main dates and deadlines

February 2015

Call for Papers and preliminary programme

Maj 11, 2015

Submission of abstracts

June 8, 2015

Notification of acceptance to authors

June 30, 2015

Last day for early registration

August 10, 2015

Submission of final papers

September 8-9, 2015

Doctoral colloquium at Roskilde University, Roskilde

September 10-12, 2015

Reser2015 conference at Eigtved Pakhus, Copenhagen




Conference Information